What is the IMAMS & DAR Initiatives?

INK Foundation introduces the IMAMS (Integration of Masjids with American-Muslim Scholars) Initiative and the DAR (Department of Academic Research) Initiative. INK Foundation will attempt to connect the masses with scholars, past and present, and their works.  

Role of the IMAMS Initiative

INK Foundation can assist in providing qualified Muslim-American Scholars who are capable of leading communities and are trained to address issues specific to the American context . These scholars are equipped with a tremendous and unique skill-set as a result of dedicating years of their lives traveling away from the comfort of their homes in pursuit of acquiring knowledge and benefitting from the great luminaries and personalities of the Ummah to enrich themselves in order to serve our communities. Additionally, the Scholars involved with INK are young, competent, qualified ‘Ulama who are born and bred in the USA and are instilled with a fervour of serving the Deen of Allah, following the footsteps of the Salaf as Saliheen (Pious Predecessors).

Role of the DAR Initiative

The importance of traditional and contemporary Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) and the sciences of the Prophetic Narrations (Hadith) is well known. The DAR (Department of Academic Research) Initiative will be dedicated to sharing authentic knowledge of Deen, primarily in regards to Fiqh and Hadith. The aim of DAR will be to research current challenges facing the Ummah, primarily the Muslims in America. We will attempt to provide a balanced approach and resolution to such issues. This process in the realm of Shari’ah is also known as Iftaa’ (The act of a Mufti issuing a legal verdict).  

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